Penpals Online

Add your Competition Here

The criteria for a competition/prize draw to be listed on this site are:

  • It must be free to enter and no purchase is necessary to enter
  • It can be entered online, either by completing a web page form or by sending an e-mail
  • If your competition satisfies the criteria above, we will be happy to list your competition on our site for free!

Competition Details

       * Denotes Required Field.
Name *
E-mail Address *
Prize Section *
Prize *
Website Name *
Website address (URL) *
Start Date *
Closing Date *
Competition Frequency..
How to Enter *
eg, Answer the question.. Complete the tiebreaker.. Complete the questionnaire.. etc... (50 characters only)
Geographical Restrictions *
Do you have a link to ABCwin on your site *
The URL on your site with our link
If you can add a reciprocal link to us, you can choose from one of our banners/buttons HERE. Or use a text link to

Please Type any notes for ABCwin here.
(this will not be listed on the site, just notes for our admin)

Please take the time to enter this feedback question.
Where did you get to hear about ABC win

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